Department of Pharmacology


Pharmacology is a branch of medicine that deals with the interaction of drugs with the systems and processes of living animals, in particular the mechanisms of drug action as well as the therapeutic and other uses of the drug. Important basic pharmacological research is carried out in the research laboratories of pharmaceutical and chemical companies. The work of pharmacologists in industry deals with the exhaustive tests that must be made before new drugs can be introduced into medical use. The effects of drugs in patients is done only after exhaustive tests on animals and is usually conducted by physicians to determine the clinical effectiveness of new drugs. Constant testing is also required for the routine control and standardization of drug products and their potency and purity.

Branches of Pharmacology:

  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Pharmacodynamics
  • Therapeutics
  • Chemotherapy
  • Toxicology
  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Pharmacoeconomics
  • Pharmacoepidemiology
  • Comparative Pharmacology
  • Animal Pharmacology
  • Posology

Who we are

A premier self-financed educational, healthcare and research medical institute in India.

Department of Pharmacology began functioning from 24.1.2008 with a batch of 80 students.

Academic Performance

Pharmacology students of 2009 Regular Batch won second prize in the quiz competition conducted by Indira Gandhi Medical college, Pondicherry.

One of the Pharmacology Students had done oral presentation on the topic Fixed Drug Combination(FDC) at Chettinadu Medical college, Chennai.

Pass percentage of 80-95% every year, which touched 100% in the year, 2015 for the 2012 Regular batch. Project designed by Students of 2017 regular batch was approved by ICMR STS Programme.

In order to promote competitive spirit and frequent updation of knowledge quiz competitions are conducted every year by the department of Pharmacology which are participated with much enthusiasm by the students.

Students are made to do projects every year on various topics such as Drug utilization, ADR, P drug etc. As a part of these projects the students prepared models which are still on display in the Department Museum.

Our student participated in the poster presentation at Govt. Medical College Thrissur during the CME conducted there.

We have a CPCSEA recognized animal house where animal studies are conducted.

Continuing Medical Education Programme was conducted in 2015 on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring which was widely participated by students and faculty from other colleges also. Webinar was conducted on April 23rd, 2021 on DM where the talk was delivered by Dr.Nihal Thomas Prof. & HOD, Endocrinology, CMC Vellore.


To produce excellent Medical professionals with strong academic base and sound technical competence who can effectively serve the community.

To make Karuna Medical College a leading Medical Institution on par with the best Medical Colleges in the Country.


Adopting latest teaching learning methods and frequent assessment of learning curve through formative assessment. Through mentoring programme giving special attention to low scorers, identifying factors which have emotional bearing on their performance and helping the students at the individual level to cope up with such challenges. By assigning research projects we train and equip the students to do researches in the field of Pharmacology.


To provide a well- rounded education and performance skills in the art and science of Pharmacology.

Our Motto

Be frontline runners in the field of Pharmacology