The Central Library of Karuna Medical College has excellent facilities and ample space with lights for quiet reading. There are separate study space both for Fcaulty and Students.
The Central Library attached to the Karuna Medical College , Vilayodi,Chittur,Palakkad, is housed in a magnificent structure having two floors comprising an area of 2000 sq meters with accommodation of 350 seats for student reading, 50 seats for journal reading ,50 seats for staff reading and 50 seats for own book reading. It has a comprehensive collection of Books in all branches of Medical and Allied subjects.
The Library also has a good collection of Audio, Video and CD-Rom materials.
The library subscribes to a wide variety of National Journals and International Journals besides e-journals viz MEDLARS and DML (Digital Medical Library) through LAN (Local Area Network).The OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) system provides easy access to the Database of books and journals. This library also provides services of Question Bank, Back Dated Journals, Clinics, Refrographic and Internet services.
The library has a proposal to start Book Bank for the benefit of the students from the economically weaker sections with an exclusive collection of 1000 Volumes

Medical Experts
Year of Experience
Health Treatments