Department of Physiology is a Pre clinical Department in Karuna medical college under the SDA trust affiliated to Kerala university of health sciences.
It is a first year subject which deals with Understanding the knowledge of the normal functions of the organ systems of the human body. It facilitates the understanding of basis of health, its physiological basis and its changes in a disease. Biophysics is also taught in order to understand the principles involved in the functioning of the body.
Laboratory skills like Haematology experiments and their biochemical interpretation are taught. A lot of importance is given in clinical examination of all the body systems and taught on normal subjects imparting knowledge on both normal pattern and abnormal observation along with interpretation of tests like ECG, spirometer etc.
Integration teaching both horizontal and vertical are done to facilitate an early clinical exposure and Holistic approach.
A strong Emphasis is done and taught on ethical approach to a patient in their career as a foundation and throughout the year in order to inculcate it as a permanent habit and culture in the student.
Department of Physiology started to function from the year 2006 headed by Dr. Elizabeth(2006- 2009)
Subsequently the heads of the department were:
- Dr. Elizabeth 2006 - 2009
- Dr. A. P. Chandran 2009 - 2014
- Dr. R. Tharakeswari 2015 - till date
The intake is 100 students every academic year and has been training all to the best of its possibility. PG course was started in the year 2010.
CME programme were conducted with Eminent speakers and TMC credit hours
Hands on BLS training is imparted to the students
- Render and Create Systematic, Scientific, Ethical and Self disciplined Medical Graduates.
- To give our best effort to build every student as a self disciplined Doctor and a Responsible citizen.
- To ensure that they are inculcated with enough scientific knowledge so that they can evolve their analytical skills and logical thinking and hence academically excel
- A university rank in the subject
- Good Research projects and its methodology to be taught to every student so that they and the society benefit.
The objectives planned and done in order to achieve our MISSION and VISION:
- To be approachable to every student
- Assessment of every student based on regularity, academic performance, behavior, attitude, approach to the subject
- Obtain a feedback about the lectures, practicals other teaching done from the student in order to improve the faculty performance
- Conduct periodic exams and small assessment programs to grade the student performance
- Give a feedback to every student individually after such assessments for their further improvement
- Recheck if their performance has improved after such meetings
- To make an annual plan of every academic year
- To achieve an increase in percentage of university results every year and aim for more first class and distinctions
The motto forever of the department to reach our Vision:
Continuous effort with a methodical approach
Medical Experts
Year of Experience
Health Treatments